Nimaodzer was born in
1933 in Dalantai
village, the present-day Yeke Naγur
Sumu in Baγarin West Banner. Nimaodzer’s mother was a famous singer, and she
also performed tales accompanied by the fiddle. During his childhood, Nimaodzer lived
in the home of the famous bard
(1914-1979). Nimaodzer preserves many books of tales, of which he cites the titles.
performed, among many others, U Siyang Boo ečige-ben
erigsen “How Wu Xiangbao Searched for His Father”, Ši
noyan-u kereg sigügsen “Court Cases of Lord Shi”, Fen
ǰuwang leü / Fenzhuang lou “Tale of a Boudoir”, and the cycle stories
centred on the heroes of the Chinese novel Xi youji
“Journey to the West”.
Further Information
For a full English translation of the biography, see Elisabetta Chiodo, “Life Stories and Achievements of
Eastern Mongol Bards”, Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher NF 22,
2008, pp. 194-199. The Mongolian texts of the biographies of the bards,
on which the English translation is based, are published in Rinčindorǰi, Tuuličid quγurčid-un
namtar böge mörgöl-ün iraγu nayiraγ, Beijing 2010, pp. 157-177,